The Better Source Apps

Short Timer-TBS Pro 1.2.4
Welcome to Short Timer – TBS.This android application was designed with the contractorinmind, allowing the user to track hours worked on multipleprojectsand clients. The user interface turns your Android mobiledeviceinto a easy time keeper. From your phone, it includes easy tousequick one click options to clock in and out. This Timer willalsofill in your Project Name, Employee Name, Client Name, andRateCode from previous projects so you don't have too! Thistimetracker also includes the option to export a single project orallprojects at once as an IIF or CSV file. The export supportsgmail,bluetooth, Google+, Evernote, and Dropbox. Export formatincludesQuickBooks IIF, comma delimited files, and HTML reports.ShortTimer TBS also allows you to export Reports as html filesthroughemail, sms, Google+, Evernote, and Dropbox.Features include:Easy export of timer entries into QuickBooks andCSVformatsReport table html export.Easy one click to purge export project historyMinimal battery usageCreate notification timer with an option to complete phonedialerand messaging task upon completionView project history by date rangeRollover timer notificationsOne click – clock in and out.Edit total time entriesEdit Date CreatedFollow us on Twitter to make suggestions to us or find outwhenthe latest update will be!!/ShortTimerTBSFollow us on Facebook!
Read It Now 1.1.4
Read It Now is a reader application thatallowsyou to share websites from your browser or applications likepulse.This application will convert a webpage to simple textallowing youto read with ease or view the website while hearing itread to you.This application will also read the story to you byusing Text toSpeech.Disclaimer**This application is in BETA. Please report any bugs to thedev.Thank youYou must have Voice search installed for this applicationtofunction properly.
Quick Connect 2013.410.124
Quick Connect provides a simple and quickwayto stay connected with multiplecontacts through email and text. You can select fromalreadyadded messages, orcreate your own! Share anything from images, videos, orevenwebpages quick andeasily!We are excited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions, or concerns, email us at:[email protected]:Quick Connect is in Beta status. Please report bugs to developersothat me may give you a better experience. Quick Connect andTheBetter Source, Inc. is not responsible for text messaging ratesandcharges. Normal Carrier Charges WILL apply.
What To Do 2013.3.23
What To Do is an android application thatusesGoogle Places to help you decide what to do. Select theLocationtype, mileage, price class and click search for theapplication toshow you the place details. Including Google PlacesReview,Navigation, and contact information.Keywords: maps, navigation, places, directions, what todo,whattodoDisclaimer:This application is still in development, please report all bugstothe developer so that we may better your experience.
Reader for Twitter 2.0
Reader for TwitterTwitter Client for AndroidReader for Twitter was created to help users follow theirtweetseasier. This twitter client allows you to hear tweets read toyouthroughout your day.Don't just read tweets, hear them with Reader For Twitter.Features include:* Read Tweets aloud* Post tweets from application* Settings include tweet interval and maximum number of tweetstoread*Reading Intervals*Number of tweets read per interval*Quiet hoursGoogle's Text to Speech, Speech to Text.